Publication 1 페이지 > 환경운동생리학연구실

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Environemtal & Exercise Physiology Lab

The Environmental & Exercise Physiology Lab
총 14건 / 1 페이지
The Effects of Body Positions and Abduction Angles on Shoulder Muscle Activity Patterns during External Rotation Exercises
Jung Ha Sung, Woosung Jung, Junsig Wang, Jung Hyun Kim
College of Physical EducationGlobal CampusSports MedicineGraduate School of Physical Education
Added Breathing Resistance during Exercise Impairs Pulmonary Ventilation and Exaggerates Exercise-Induced Hypoxemia Leading to Impaired Aerobic Exercise Performance
Jean Hee Han, Min Hyeok Jang, Dae Hwan Kim, Jung Hyun Kim
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
A Single Bout of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Suppresses Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Asian Obese Young Men
Min Hyeok Jang, Dae Hwan Kim, Jean Hee Han, Jahyun Kim, Jung Hyun Kim
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
The Effectiveness of Ultrasound Deep Heat Therapy for Adhesive Capsulitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Jung Ha Sung, Jung Min Lee, Jung Hyun Kim
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
Differential cutaneous thermal sensitivity in humans: Method of limit vs. method of sensation magnitude
Yongsuk Seo, Jung Hyun Kim
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
Comparison of three internationally certified firefighter protective ensembles: Physiological responses, mobility, and comfort
Tyler D. Quinn, Borja Gutiérrez-Santamaría, Iker Sáez, Aitor Santisteban, Joo Young Lee, Jung Hyun Kim, Aitor Coca
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
Heat Exchange in Young and Older Men during Constant- And Variable-Intensity Work
Sean R. Notley, Robert D. Meade, Andrew W. D'Souza, Maura M. Rutherford, Jung Hyun Kim, Glen P. Kenny
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
Does online social connectivity promote physical activity in a wearable tracker-based intervention? A pilot randomized controlled study
Myong Won Seo, Youngdeok Kim, Hyun Chul Jung, Jung Hyun Kim, Jung Min Lee
CoachingCollege of Physical EducationGlobal CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
The associations of vitamin D status with athletic performance and blood-borne markers in adolescent athletes: A cross-sectional study
Myong Won Seo, Jong Kook Song, Hyun Chul Jung, Sung Woo Kim, Jung Hyun Kim, Jung Min Lee
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical EducationCoachingCollege of Physical Education
Investigating effects of cold water hand immersion on selective attention in normobaric hypoxia
Hayden D. Gerhart, Yongsuk Seo, Jung Hyun Kim, Brittany Followay, Jeremiah Vaughan, Tyler Quinn, John Gunstad, Ellen L. Glickman
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
Cold-induced vasodilation responses before and after exercise in normobaric normoxia and hypoxia
Hayden D. Gerhart, Yongsuk Seo, Jeremiah Vaughan, Brittany Followay, Jacob E. Barkley, Tyler Quinn, Jung Hyun Kim, Ellen L. Glickman
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
Heat stress assessment during intermittent work under different environmental conditions and clothing combinations of effective wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT)
Yongsuk Seo, Jeffrey Powell, Amanda Strauch, Raymond Roberge, Glen P. Kenny, Jung Hyun Kim
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
Intersegmental differences in facial warmth sensitivity during rest, passive heat and exercise
Jung Hyun Kim/Yorio, Patrick/Quinn, Tyler/Seo, Yongsuk/Roberge, Raymond
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education
Added Breathing Resistance during Exercise Impairs Pulmonary Ventilation and Exaggerates Exercise-Induced Hypoxemia Leading to Impaired Aerobic Exercise Performance
Jean Hee Han, Min Hyeok Jang, Dae Hwan Kim, Jung Hyun Kim
Global CampusGraduate School of Physical Education